Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 05/02/2013

05 febrero 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 29 de ene - 5 de feb
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Artanto Sakti
Artanto Sakti
7 Tips to Feeling Better About Yourself
7 Tips to Feeling Better About Yourself
When you’re feeling lousy, what can you do to feel better about yourself?It turns out that we feel better about ourselves when we behave in ways that we find worthy of our own and...
Carrie White
Carrie White
Should I Be Moved to Trash?
Should I Be Moved to Trash?
English: Schematic diagram of different types of hiatus hernia. A: Normal anatomy B: Pre-stage C: Sliding hiatus hernia D: Paraesophageal hiatus hernia Esophagus Stomach Diaphragm HIS angle (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Right now, I am so frightened...
Robin Foster
Robin Foster I gave @studentinlife +Kred in the Education community on @Kred
See the Kred Influence and Outreach score for StudentInLife. Kred measures influence in communities connected by interests and affiliations.
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Are AdSense Ads Racist? - Google AdSense is more likely to deliver ads suggesting an arrest record in response to search queries including names that predominantly belong to black people, according to a study conducted by Harvard University’s Data Privacy Lab. The researchers used Google to search 2,184 racially associated names — such as Latanya, which generally refers to a black woman, and Emma, which generally refers to a white woman. The black names often ...
Are AdSense Ads Racist?
Are AdSense Ads Racist?
Google AdSense was more likely to deliver ads suggesting an arrest record in response to search queries including names that predominantly belong to black people, according to a study conducted by Harvard University's Data...
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