Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 29/01/2013

29 enero 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 22 de ene - 29 de ene
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Blessed Nation | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Four Types of Mobile App: How to Use Them for More Than Just Marketing
Four Types of Mobile App: How to Use Them for More Than Just Marketing
Four Types of Mobile App: How to Use Them for More Than Just Marketing
There was a time when every article on business would open with the statement that 'every company should have a website by now'. Well that doesn't really happen anymore for one good reason: simply that pretty much every...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Everything any human could want about the #SC1 race: #scpol #sctweets
19 Vie for Congressional Seat: Learn About the Candidates
19 Vie for Congressional Seat: Learn About the Candidates
How to reach the candidates and learn their positions.
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron So the president is going to Las Vegas baby to give a speech for an hour.  His Global warming carbon foot print set aside (if you buy that sort of thing) will cost American Taxpayers nearly 1.6 million dollars President Barack Obama will fly over 9 hours tomorrow, round-trip from Washington, D.C. to Las Vegas, [...]
Obama Immigration Photo-op to cost  $1.6M Dollars
Obama Immigration Photo-op to cost $1.6M Dollars
So the president is going to Las Vegas baby to give a speech for an hour.  His Global warming carbon foot print set aside (if you buy that sort of thing) will cost American Taxpayers nearly 1.6 mil...
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