Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 20/07/2013

20 julio 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 13 de jul - 20 de jul
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Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Gemalto : la puce made in France qui envahit le monde
Gemalto : la puce made in France qui envahit le monde
Des millions de Terriens utilisent chaque jour ses services, sans le savoir. Et avec l’arrivée de la 4G, il a un boulevard devant lui. Enfin un champion mondial bleu, blanc, rouge !
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Photos, including an aerial shot down Sumter Ave, from today's #Trayvon Martin rally in Columbia.
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron Veteran White House reporter, Helen Thomas, has diedThe post Breaking Now: Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas has died appeared first on Politisite.
Breaking Now: Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas has died
Veteran White House reporter, Helen Thomas, has...
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Twitter 101 in 21 Tweets [SLIDESHARE] - New to Twitter? Or maybe you haven’t even started yet? It’s time. Here are 21 tips in the form of tweets, a great place for Twitter beginners to, er, begin. I made a fun and very pictorail version of these tips in a slide deck, which you can view, download, and share.
Twitter 101 in 21 Tweets [SLIDESHARE]
Twitter 101 in 21 Tweets [SLIDESHARE]
New to Twitter? Or maybe you haven’t even started yet? It’s time. Here are 21 tips in the form of tweets, a great place for Twitter beginners to, er, begin. I made a fun and very pictorail version of these tips in a slide deck, which you can view,...
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