Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 07/05/2013

06 mayo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 30 de abr - 7 de may
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Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Carrie White
Carrie White
Is the Magpie Misunderstood?
Is the Magpie Misunderstood?
The Magpie has long been vilified as a thief, a murderer and a bully. But, has he been misunderstood?
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron   By Doc Vega Being a former Californian I must truly hang my head in shame when I look at the out of control leftist government that has gripped one of the most beautiful states in America. For some reason, the likes of Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are allowed to get away with [...]
California votes to allow non-citizens as jurors!
California votes to allow non-citizens as jurors!
By Doc Vega Being a former Californian I must truly hang my head in shame when I look at the out of control leftist government that has gripped one of the most beautiful states in America. F...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Waiting on @MarkSanford while an unnamed volunteer eats this in...
Waiting on @MarkSanford while an unnamed...
Waiting on @MarkSanford while an unnamed...
Waiting on @MarkSanford while an unnamed volunteer eats this in front on my face....
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