Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 26/03/2013

25 marzo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 19 de mar - 26 de mar
Actualizaciones destacadas
Ana Delfina Rivera Rosales
Graciela Munguia de Prosperi
Ana Delfina Rivera Rosales está ahora en contacto con Graciela Munguia de Prosperi
Actualizaciones de tu red extensa
Conecta con ellos para averiguar lo último
Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Ces robots qui vont changer la vie
Ces robots qui vont changer la vie
Le salon Innorobo qui a lieu en ce moment à Lyon est l'occasion rêvée pour les scientifiques et les entreprises spécialisés en robotique de présenter les avancées fulgurantes de cette discipline. La preuve en images avec huit...
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron When Nick D’Aloisio was fifteen, he founded Summly. Summly is a mobile news aggregation app that doesn’t make any money, but no matter. Today, D’Aloisio sold his startup to Yahoo for close to $30 million, AllThingsD reports. It’s not clear how much of the deal was cash versus stock. Either way, it’s a lofty exit [...]
A Startup Dream Come True – Teen sells Summly to Yahoo! for $30 Million
A Startup Dream Come True – Teen sells Summly to Yahoo! for $30...
When Nick D'Aloisio was fifteen, he founded Summly. Summly is a mobile news aggregation app that doesn't make any money, but no matter. Today, D'Aloisio sold his startup to Yahoo for close to $30 m...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise - With over 500 million registered users, over 200 million active users and with 340,000,000 tweets sent a day it can be easy for anyone to get lost in Twitter activity. Use these 3 simple techniques to reduce the noise and become a better, more effective Twitter user.
Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise
Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise
With over 500 million registered users, over 200 million active users and with 340,000,000 tweets sent a day it can be easy for anyone to get lost in Twitter activity. Use these 3 simple techniques to reduce the noise and...
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