Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 26/03/2013

25 marzo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 19 de mar - 26 de mar
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Ana Delfina Rivera Rosales
Graciela Munguia de Prosperi
Ana Delfina Rivera Rosales está ahora en contacto con Graciela Munguia de Prosperi
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Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Ces robots qui vont changer la vie
Ces robots qui vont changer la vie
Le salon Innorobo qui a lieu en ce moment à Lyon est l'occasion rêvée pour les scientifiques et les entreprises spécialisés en robotique de présenter les avancées fulgurantes de cette discipline. La preuve en images avec huit...
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron When Nick D’Aloisio was fifteen, he founded Summly. Summly is a mobile news aggregation app that doesn’t make any money, but no matter. Today, D’Aloisio sold his startup to Yahoo for close to $30 million, AllThingsD reports. It’s not clear how much of the deal was cash versus stock. Either way, it’s a lofty exit [...]
A Startup Dream Come True – Teen sells Summly to Yahoo! for $30 Million
A Startup Dream Come True – Teen sells Summly to Yahoo! for $30...
When Nick D'Aloisio was fifteen, he founded Summly. Summly is a mobile news aggregation app that doesn't make any money, but no matter. Today, D'Aloisio sold his startup to Yahoo for close to $30 m...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour...
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise - With over 500 million registered users, over 200 million active users and with 340,000,000 tweets sent a day it can be easy for anyone to get lost in Twitter activity. Use these 3 simple techniques to reduce the noise and become a better, more effective Twitter user.
Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise
Twitter Best Practices: Making Sense of the Noise
With over 500 million registered users, over 200 million active users and with 340,000,000 tweets sent a day it can be easy for anyone to get lost in Twitter activity. Use these 3 simple techniques to reduce the noise and...
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Este mensaje de correo electrónico estaba dirigido a Blog Chavez (En el campo en Otaku News Network). Averigua la razón por la que incluimos esto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043 EE.UU.

Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 19/03/2013

18 marzo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 12 de mar - 19 de mar
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Carrie White
Carrie White
Be the first to 'Like' Carrie ! http:/
Be the first to ‘Like’ Carrie !
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Kids and parents heading eggward. "Wish legislature was this orderly..." said someone. (Joking!)
Photo on 2013-03-18 at 16:40.jpg
Photo on 2013-03-18 at 16:40.jpg
View and share this image from @SCPrimary and hosted by...
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Reddit Partners With YouTube to Bring Video to Site - The vibrant social news site Reddit said today that it had partnered with YouTube to deliver  original videos based on the site’s features. Reddit launched three videos that stem from its “Explain Like I’m Five” feature, first reported in an exclusive interview general manager Erik Martin gave The Hollywood Reporter. The social news site has retained a vibrant following despite a visual layout t...
Reddit Partners With YouTube to Bring Video to Site
Reddit Partners With YouTube to Bring Video to Site
The vibrant social news site Reddit said today that it would partner with YouTube to encourage members to post original videos on the site.
CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd
CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd Every now and then we have a rare opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. My dear and gentle friend, Bethany "Beth" just learned she has Stage 3 Cancer and although she has insurance, Bethany has already exhausted all of her sick leave and will soon be on leave without pay. Please give what you are able to help Beth beat this cancer! If you cannot give, please consider sharing Beth's story so that she can receive the help she needs.Thank you so much!
Help Support help Beth fight cancer
Help Support help Beth fight cancer
Family and friends of Bethany Sorenson are uniting to raise money to help with her battle with cancer. Please show your support!
Estás recibiendo mensajes sobre Actualizaciones de la red. Date de baja.
Este mensaje de correo electrónico estaba dirigido a Blog Chavez (En el campo en Otaku News Network). Averigua la razón por la que incluimos esto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043 EE.UU.

Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 12/03/2013

11 marzo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 5 de mar - 12 de mar
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Artanto Sakti
Artanto Sakti I still
Google On Bing Attack Ads: "Others Should Focus On Building Good Products"
Google On Bing Attack Ads: "Others Should Focus On Building Good...
Google has largely ignored Bing’s Scroogled campaign, attacking it over the pay-for-play change to Google Shoppping & Gmail privacy. But today, Google search chief Amit Singhal pushed a bit back, saying Bing perhaps should...
Carrie White
Carrie White
I get to thinking too much
I get to thinking too much
Horse watching (Photo credit: @Doug88888)   I’ve not been at the stables for several weeks now. It’s due to a combination of depression and physical healthproblems. You would think that the one thing that would help with my depression would be to be...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Lindsey Graham Not As Vulnerable As Some Think
Lindsey Graham Not As Vulnerable As Some Think
Lindsey Graham Not As Vulnerable As Some Think
via Facebook.
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron With America as liberal politically and individually as it has ever been, one would assume that the benefit of this liberalism would be to have a government that is open and compassionate in sharing everything with its people. At least that’s one of the things liberals pride themselves on: openness to everything and everyone. To [...]
A Call for Goverment Openess does not Previal
A Call for Goverment Openess does not Previal
With America as liberal politically and individually as it has ever been, one would assume that the benefit of this liberalism would be to have a government that is open and compassionate in sharin...
Estás recibiendo mensajes sobre Actualizaciones de la red. Date de baja.
Este mensaje de correo electrónico estaba dirigido a Blog Chavez (En el campo en Otaku News Network). Averigua la razón por la que incluimos esto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043 EE.UU.

Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 05/03/2013

05 marzo 2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 26 de feb - 5 de mar
Actualizaciones de tu red extensa
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Carrie White
Carrie White Trying out to manage all my social networks.
Manage multiple social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin
Manage multiple social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin
GrabInbox - Easily manage multiple facebook, twitter, linkedin accounts. GrabInbox helps you schedule messages, tweets, facebook posts for future. Instant notifications for important network updates like mentions, direct...
Albert Milliron
Albert Milliron So maybe, just maybe, the nail in the coffin of American Journalism has popped out a bit before its inevitable lowering into the annals of history. The Obama Administration’s most recent debacle, under the label sequestration, a word even Webster had trouble defining, is perhaps the most glaring example yet of the hypocrisy and “misleading leadership” [...]
We Can Handle The Truth!
We Can Handle The Truth!
So maybe, just maybe, the nail in the coffin of American Journalism has popped out a bit before its inevitable lowering into the annals of history. The Obama Administration’s most recent debacle, u...
Shawn Drury
Shawn Drury Candidate in #SC1 steps out of Thursday debate hosted by Patch and @RLCofSC...
Bostic Drops Out of Thursday Patch/RLCSC Debate
Bostic Drops Out of Thursday Patch/RLCSC Debate
Event scheduled for North Charleston City Hall at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Former Facebooker Chamath Palihapitiya Makes a Case for Tech for Good
Former Facebooker Chamath Palihapitiya Makes a Case for Tech for Good
Former Facebooker Chamath Palihapitiya Makes a Case for Tech for Good
In a world, like the startup world, with high risks, investors might as well gamble on technology for the social good, former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya argued in a presentation at a tech conference in San Francisco.
Estás recibiendo mensajes sobre Actualizaciones de la red. Date de baja.
Este mensaje de correo electrónico estaba dirigido a Blog Chavez (En el campo en Otaku News Network). Averigua la razón por la que incluimos esto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043 EE.UU.